Share Sunday: Sunday, February 16th.
During the month of February, the Human Development Committee is helping collect donations for the Rochester Hope North Clinton Food Pantry. The pantry is in St. Michaels Church in Rochester, part of the Cabrini Parish made up of several local churches.The need in the area is great. St. Michael's Church is in one of the highest food-insecure communities in all of New York State.
The pantry needs:
Diapers sizes 4,5 & 6
Baby wipes
Personal Care items: soap, shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant, etc.
Goya products - beans, lentils. Sugar and flour
Shelf stable prepared meals SpaghettiOs, ravioli, stew, chili, soup, etc (especially helpful if it is a pop-top lid that doesnt require a can opener)
Boxed Cereal, Peanut butter & Jelly
Please bring your donations to the church no later than 11am Sunday, February 16th.
Thank you, as always, for your generosity.